Publications : Publications
Posted by Webmaster on 2006/9/7 18:30:00 (34687 reads) |
Publications for sale by the Roane County Historical Society and friends.
Click on any title for more information.
To place an order, write to: Roane County Historical Society P.O. Box 161 Spencer, WV 25276-0161
Include your shipping address, a list of the book(s) you want to order, and a check or money order, payable to "Roane County Historical Society" for the total price plus postage and handling for each book. West Virginia residents only, please add the 6% state sales tax as indicated.
Books can also be purchased at the Roane County Library.
Publications by Members and Friends These publication may be of interest, and are published by Society Members and Friends. Please click on the individual titles for complete details and ordering information.
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