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News : 2017 - 23rd Annual Genealogy Fair
Posted by Richard Griffith on 2016/10/26 19:20:00 (5414 reads)

The 23rd Annual Genealogy Fair, is scheduled for Saturday, September 23, 2017, sponsored by the Roane County Historical Society, Inc.

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News : First Meeting for 2016
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2016/3/21 14:20:20 (1438 reads)

The next meeting of the Roane County Historical is scheduled for Thursday, March 24, 2016, 7 p.m. at the Roane County Library in Spencer. We have a lot of catching up to do since we did not meet during the months of January & February. Program: Each person in attendance is to bring an item/s of personal historical value and tell about it; a family picture, a quilt, an old household item, etc are examples. Plan now to attend this important first meeting of 2016. If you have questions about the society or its activities, please contact Linda Cottrell Liss at WVRoots@aol.com We look forward to seeing many of you at Thursday's meeting.

News : In Remembrance: DENVER RAY GANDEE, SR.
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2015/10/16 14:50:26 (1610 reads)

13 Oct 1923 - 15 Oct 2015
We are saddened to learn of the death 15 Oct 2015 of our long-time friend, distinguished WW II veteran and fellow member of the Roane County Historical Society, Denver Ray Gandee, Sr. We extend our sincere sympathy to his family and friends. He was a former resident of Roane County, residing at the Parkersburg Care Center, and most recently did an interview for Roane County's documentary film for the "Journey Into the Wild & Wonderful" series produced by Wayne Worth and also did a video on his WW II experiences. You can see those videos on our Face Book page or visit the Journey into the Wild & Wonderful website.

News : 2016 - 22nd Annual Genealogy Fair
Posted by Richard Griffith on 2015/10/1 20:50:00 (2451 reads)

The 22nd Annual Genealogy Fair, is scheduled for Saturday, September 24, 2016, sponsored by the Roane County Historical Society, Inc.

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News : RCHS to Hold First Meeting of 2015
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2015/3/16 18:30:00 (1401 reads)

The Roane County Historical Society, Inc. will hold its first meeting for 2015 on Thursday, March 26 at 7 p.m. at the Roane County Library, 110 Parking Plaza in Spencer.

The Roane County Historical Society was formed in 1993 when several Roane County folk showed interest in preserving the county's history and researching their family genealogy. The Society's membership holds steady with about 200 members from all over West Virginia and the U. S. Annual dues are just $12. We welcome new members.

We continue being about the business of preserving and sharing stories of Roane County's history and its people. The society publishes a quarterly newsletter, "The Journal," which includes interesting stories and photos contributed by members. Meeting programs are presented to enhance genealogical research and annual projects are completed to preserve an element of Roane County history.

A list of society publications can be found on this website or interested parties may request a copy by writing Roane County Historical Society, Inc. at P.O. Box 161, Spencer, WV 25276-0161. The society also has an extensive history library housed on the lower level of the Roane County Library. The Society's library is open for genealogical research during regular library hours.

We look forward to greeting many of you at the Thursday, March 26th meeting. Members are urged to attend and visitors are always welcomed. If you have questions about membership or society activities please contact, Linda Liss at WVRoots@aol.com

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