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General Interest : May Meeting Update
Posted by Richard Griffith on 2021/5/5 18:04:53 (2639 reads)

Our May 2021 meeting will be Saturday May 22 at 10:00 o'clock in the Roane County Library. Please try to attend.

We have made this change from Thursday evening for all you that have said evening meeting just doesn't work for you.

General Interest : June 2019 Birthday Celebration with Guest Speaker
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2019/6/24 20:55:35 (4901 reads)

Greetings Friends and Members of the Roane County Historical Society.
REMINDER: Thursday, June 27th is scheduled for our regular monthly meeting with speaker & 26th Birthday Celebration. 7 p.m. at the Roane County Library in Spencer.
Mr. Andrew Bragg of Poca, WV will present an informative program geared mostly for beginning family genealogists/researchers, which includes a power-point presentation. (Seasoned researchers may have a thing or two to learn also.) Andrew works for State of WV in Charleston, and holds a Master's Degree in History and is working on a 2nd Master's in History. He is a knowledgeable historian having over 19-years of family research experience to his credit. Please share this special program announcement with friends & family plan to attend.
Since June is the Society's Birthday Month - Cake and Ice Cream will be served.

General Interest : Notes from December 20, 2018 RCHS Meeting
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2019/1/7 19:50:55 (6299 reads)

The Roane County Historical Society, Inc. met on Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 7 p.m. at the Roane County Public Library in Spencer for their regular monthly meeting. This was the last meeting for 2018. The Society does not meet during the Winter months of January & February.
Rich Greathouse, President, called the meeting to order and led an opening prayer. The pledge to the flag was recited by all. Those present were: Kathy L. Kidd, Reva Paxton, Melba Starcher, Vickie Baker, Carol Board-Westfall, Carl Paxton, Rich Greathouse, Bonita Schreckengost, Linda Cottrell Liss and Vicki J. Knight.

The minutes from the November 15th meeting were read and approved

Treasurer’s Report: Carol Board-Westfall. Current Balance: $12,013.37 Copy filed for annual audit.

Correspondence: Linda Liss noted one piece of correspondence – dated Dec. 14, 2018 from Bill Henderson of Weston, WV regarding his inquiry on Orville Wade Harris, born 1884 in Barbour Co., WV and died 22 June 1953 at Spencer State Hospital. Linda made phone and email contact with Mr. Henderson regarding her findings that both Mr. & Mrs. Harris are buried at Spencer Memorial Cemetery in Roane County.

Membership Sect’y Report: Linda Liss reported current membership as 189.

As Treasurer, Carol Board Westfall reported that she had received a letter from the Spencer Post Office regarding an increase in our annual fee for Bulk Postage Permit #101. The post office did not have an exact cost at this time, but rate will be going up since other U.S. postal rates will be increased as of January 27, 2019. (Last annual permit fee was $215.)

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the Society’s newsletter, bulk mailings and how to proceed since our membership has fallen below the 200 required for a bulk mailing. Linda reported that a Special 5-page December “Journal” newsletter was emailed on Dec. 4, 2018 to those members having email, plus 50 were delivered by postal. The purpose of the special newsletter was to see how members would like to receive the quarterly newsletters & other correspondence; of over 130 emailed newsletters, 46 members responded. Basically those who received the emailed letter would like to receive correspondence that way. There were a few who requested postal mail even though they had email. To postal mail a 6-page or greater newsletter beginning Jan 27, 2019 will be 70 cents per item, no staples and the folded document must be sealed on the edges. Having said all that, the 11-page 2018-19 Surname Directory and an 10-page Winter Journal newsletter will be mailed as one bulk mailing since the new bulk rate will not come into effect until January 27th.

With regard to the Quarterly Journal newsletter, Linda Cottrell Liss, Editor, stated that it has become increasingly hard to compose a historical & newsworthy newsletter. A plea for contributions of news articles, family histories, and Roane County veteran’s info are not coming in. We are not receiving sufficient items to produce a 12-page newsletter. This Editor does not want to fill the publication with miscellaneous poems, cartoons, etc. just to have a 12-page document. Therefore, the general consensus recommendation of those present was for the newsletter editor to compose newsletters with what news items she has available quarterly. Also, when time for the Spring 2019 “Journal” is to be published, that it be emailed in the pdf “portable document format”. Those members not having email or have specifically requested paper newsletters will be mailed at the new postal rates.

President Greathouse received a letter dated 14 Dec 2018 from the WV Dept. of Transportation regarding the proposed replacement of the Tariff (Roane County) Arch Bridge built in 1927, Route 27 over Henry’s Fork of West Fork of the Little Kanawha River. The Society does not see any adverse effects of this proposal historically or otherwise. No further comment or action required.

22nd Annual History Hero Award – The R.C.H.S. is happy to nominate Mrs. Vickie L. Baker for a 2019 West Virginia History Hero award sponsored by the WV Archives & History in Charleston, WV. Vickie actively supports buy generic ambien the work of the Society and serves as Organizing Regent for a new D.A.R. chapter for Roane County. Hero applications must be received by Dec. 31, 2018. Successful nominees will be honored at a History Day on February 21, 2019.

The Annual Genealogy Fair sponsored by the RCHS will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at the Heritage Park Community Building in Spencer, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. More information to follow.

2019 Essay Scholarship Award - $1,000. The Counselor at Roane County High School, the principal at the Cross Country Christian Academy and the Director of Curriculum with Roane County Board of Education for home-schooled students have been contacted and sent applications & guidelines for the Scholarship. Deadline is Friday, April 5, 2019.

Daughters of the American Revolution [D.A.R.] Update – Vickie Baker, Organizing Regent for a new chapter for Roane County, reported that she has processed nine member applications for D. A. R. and that there are two more applications being processed. Twelve approved members are required to form a new chapter. Prospective chapter members will be meeting on the third Saturday monthly for the process of forming a new chapter for the Roane County area. The next meeting will be Saturday, January 19, 2019 at the St. John’s United Methodist Church, 335 Church Street in Spencer, 10 a.m. – Noon.

For Good of the Society –
Bonita Schreckengost announced that she had found a large display-type map of Roane County that could be used to mark or number the county’s cemeteries and then provide a printed name list for those numbered cemeteries.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. with holiday refreshments being served by Vicki Knight.

General Interest : December 20th, 2018 Meeting of RCHS
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2018/12/13 16:30:00 (5106 reads)

Greetings, fellow Roane County Historical Society Members & other interested Roane Countians:
Just a little reminder that the DECEMBER meeting of the Society will be held on Thursday, Dec. 20th at the Roane County Library, 7 p.m.
Please make an effort to attend since this will be our LAST MEETING for 2018. Important business regarding declining membership & the future of Society's newsletter will be discussed. MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND. We do not meet for the Winter months of January-February.
Linda Cottrell Liss, Correspondence Secretary

General Interest : September 2018 RCHS Meeting to be Held One Week Earlier
Posted by Linda Cottrell Liss on 2018/8/29 15:30:00 (5104 reads)

Due to needed preparation & finalization of plans for the 24th Annual Genealogy Fair sponsored by the Roane County Historical Society, the September meeting of the Society will be held on the 3rd Thursday, SEPTEMBER 20th rather than the 4th Thurs. The annual fair will be held on Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018 at the Heritage Park Community Building in Spencer, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

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