David L. Boggs has been collecting obituaries from the Times Record since the mid 1980's and is publishing, with permission, books containing his extensive collection.
Obituaries From The Times Record Newspaper
Volume 1 This set of six books contains obituaries starting in the mid 1980's and continuing through July 2000. Each book is arranged by surname and is available separately.
Surnames Starting With | Contains | Price |
A,B,C | 282 Pages (1,761 Obituaries) | $20.00 | D,E,F,G | 178 Pages (1,106 Obituaries) | $15.00 | H,I,J,K | 216 Pages (1,325 Obituaries) | $15.00 | L,M,Mc,N,O | 218 Pages (1,316 Obituaries) | $15.00 | P,Q,R,S | 296 Pages (1,837 Obituaries) | $20.00 | T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z | 176 Pages (1,054 Obituaries) | $15.00 |
Volume 2 This volume contains 1,127 obituaries with an index, and starts where Volume 1 left off in July, 2000 and contains all obituaries through August 2003. Price is $20.00.
Volume 3 This volume of obituaries includes and index and starts where Volume 2 left off in August 2003 and runs to January 2007. Price is $25.00.
Name | Price |
Volume 1: A,B,C | $20.00 | Volume 1: D,E,F,G | $15.00 | Volume 1: H,I,J,K | $15.00 | Volume 1: L,M,Mc,N,O | $15.00 | Volume 1: P,Q,R,S | $20.00 | Volume 1: T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z | $15.00 | Volume 2 | $20.00 | Volume 3 | $25.00 |
To add these books to your Roane County reference collection, order directly from:
David L. Boggs 611 Jefferson Avenue Urbana, Ohio 43078-1482
Include check or money order, payable to "David L. Boggs" for the total price of the book(s) requested. Be sure to specify which book(s) you are ordering and include your full address for shipping.