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Sort by: (  Title  ) (  Date  ) (  Popularity  ) Photos currently sorted by: Date (New Photos Listed First)Photo No. 1-10 (out of 39 photos hit) | |
| Harper's Little Family Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2013/4/22 5:16 Views: 3726 Comments: 2
This is the Alexander and Mary Frances (Jones) Harper family.
Maxine Landfried submitted this picture and provides this history:
My mother-in-law, Ersil Bailey Landfried (1911-1987 - See Story in Roane County 1989 book), was a niece of Mary Frances and after she (Ersil) died we found this picture with the words on the back "Harper's little family". Of course, I soon found them in the family tree and census records. It seems all ten children are lined up in birth order. I believe several of the sons became doctors and were influential in Roane County. |
| Is this possibly Jane Looney Hershbarger? Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) Unidentified 2009/7/1 0:31 Views: 5159 Comments: 2
If you recognize this lady, please leave a comment to let us know. |
| Frances Walker and Eva Ledsome Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2008/4/25 0:32 Views: 5361 Comments: 1
David Walker shared some information on the ladies in this previously unidentified photo. |
| Jane (Smith) Wright Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2007/10/27 20:31 Views: 5120 Comments: 1
| Jesse James in Clay and Roane Counties Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2007/9/9 6:38 Views: 5255 Comments: 0
This newspaper clipping recounts Anis Burnside's encounter with Jesse James. |
| Amma Baseball Team, Roane County Champions 1930 Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2007/9/9 5:19 Views: 5198 Comments: 0
This picture of the Amma championship team taken a few minutes after their victory includes, front, left to right: Clyde Knight, Holley Carper, Harry Ferrell, Hallie Steel, Romie Graham, Oke Cottrell, Crede McClain (umpire). Back row: Charlie Harris, Bert Miller, Monlie Miller, Grase Burns, George Young, Ora Gandy, Romie Cottrell, Oral Dye (umpire), Roy Nida (manager).
Donald Vineyard, president of the league, is shown presenting the William Woodyard cup to the winning manager and members of the state police force are shown holding aloft the championship pennant presented by The Times Record.
A story of this team appeared in The Times Record on Thursday, May 7, 1998 titled "That Special Season, Amma Baseball Club won 1930 county championship" and was written by Jack Nida, guest writer. The eight team league received front page coverage each week in The Times Record during the summer of 1930 and the championship playoffs were billed as The Little World Series. Nearly 2,000 people attended each of the three playoff games at Tariff and Tater Run ball fields.
| George A. & Margaret (Wyatt) Dye Family ca. 1930 Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2007/8/26 22:45 Views: 4807 Comments: 0
Front row - l to r - Pearl, George, Margaret (Wyatt) Dye, Asa Back row - l to r - Cecil , Ola, Hobart, Gertrude, Roy, Garnett They lived at Cain's Run, Roane Co., Reedy, WV
Submitted by Phyllis Dye Slater |
| Ephraim Hess family Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) People 2007/8/26 22:34 Views: 6605 Comments: 0
This is a picture of Capt. Ephraim Hess and wife Sophronia (Murphy) Hess and family. Ephraim was the son of Hiram Hess and Mary (Fitzwater) Hess, the first of their family to settle in Roane County about 1852. They made their home on the head waters of Poca in what is now Smithfield District. Hiram was a stone mason contractor who built the stone work of the Gauley bridge that was soon destroyed in the Civil War. Ephraim was born about 1850 and was a soldier of the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. He also served in the war against the Indians known as the Nezperce War. He and Sophronia were married in Spencer on March 25, 1890 and later moved west. They are both buried at Smithville, Clay Co., MO. Sophronia was my grandfather's sister, a daughter of Peter and Lucretia (Rollins) Murphy.
Photo submitted by Sarah (Murphy) Hankins
Historical data from History of Roane County, by William H. Bishop |
| Map of West Virginia Counties Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) Misc 2007/8/26 22:11 Views: 3837 Comments: 0
This map show the 55 Counties and County Seats of West Virginia |
| Map of Roane County Districts Posted by: Webmaster (See more photos from Webmaster) Misc 2007/8/26 22:09 Views: 4062 Comments: 0
This map shows the seven districts of Roane County, WV, Curtis, Geary, Harper, Reedy, Smithfield, Spencer and Walton. |
Photo No. 1-10 (out of 39 photos hit) | |
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