Hesson Rescheduled for July 23rd Meeting

Date 2015/7/8 20:29:28 | Topic: General Interest

We are excited to announce that Mr. Craig Hesson of Mason County, WV has been rescheduled for the July 23, 2015 meeting of the Roane County Historical Society. He was unable to attend our June meeting due to personal family events of that day. Mr. Craig Hesson is chairman of the Fort Randolph Committee as well as a Revolutionary War re-enactor from Point Pleasant, WV. He will give a presentation on the battle which occurred at Point Pleasant known as Dunmore's War in 1774 and share the history of Fort Randolph. The RCHS meets on the lower level at the Roane County Library, 7:00 p.m. Members are urged to attend and visitors are welcome. For more information about membership or society activities contact, Linda Liss at WVRoots@aol.com

This article comes from Roane County Historical Society, Inc.

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