R.C.H.S. Focusing on Family Genealogy

Date 2012/10/29 19:50:00 | Topic: General Interest

The Roane County Historical Society met Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 7 p.m. at the Roane County Library. There were fourteen members and two visitors present. President, Rick Greathouse, called the meeting to order, and welcomed members & visitors. Johanna Nutter led the opening prayer and the pledge to the flag was recited by all. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the minutes from the September meeting were read by Linda Liss, Corresponding Sect’y. The minutes were approved as read. Carol Board-Westfall gave the Treasurer’s report reflecting a balance of $18,578.66 Linda reported that she had responded to inquiries where needed and reported that current membership stands at 210. Eighteen members still have not paid dues for the 2012-13 fiscal year. All were sent emails or a reminder postcards. Two pieces of correspondence rec’d by Carol B-W. – She will follow-up on these. 1. Letter from James Guy Hudkins regarding a portrait of and doctor bag belonging to his grandfather, Byron Jonah Hudkins. At a future time he would like to make a gift of these items to the society if interested. 2. U. S. Postal Service – letter regarding use of automated bar-code on bulk mailings. Old Business: 1. Several bags of non-perishable foods were bought to be donated to the local food pantry. 2. Possible project to help clean & maintain the Heritage Park Depot Museum was discussed. Carol B-W will talk with Teresa Parker, Museum caretaker and the City of Spencer officials regarding the building and report back at a future meeting. 3. Sound system for use at society meetings: Johanna Nutter reported that Susan Tucker was working on this, but had nothing new to report from Susan at this time. 4. Linda Liss reported that she had talked with Susan Gerstell and Rebecca Lockhart, Counselors at R.C.H. School, and presented the guidelines and firmed up dates to proceed with presenting a $750 scholarship to a 2013 graduating senior who writes the best family history/ genealogical type essay. Program: Long-time Society member, Mike Hill, made an interesting & well-planned presentation about focusing on “family genealogy.” His purpose was to motivate and get members interested in discussing their ancestors and family surnames at the different society meetings as part of the society’s regular programming. He is looking to do something, structurally, that will enhance today’s technology-based family research. He distributed the Bonnett/Meadows Pedigree Chart (his wife’s ancestors) which generated discussion among others present who are researching or have ancestors of the same families. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m., with a variety of delicious refreshments being served by Shirley Hill. The next meeting will be held on the 3rd Thursday of November which is November 15th. The program will involve a presentation on use of D.N.A. in forming ancestral connections. Melissa Swisher and Carol Board-Westfall will lead the discussion. In attendance were: Carol Board-Westfall, Shirley and Mike Hill, Linda Cottrell Liss, Hazel E.C. Gandee, Rick Greathouse, Peggy L. Starcher, Phyllis Counts, Jerry Morgan, Reva Paxton, Johanna Nutter, Betty Moore, Melissa Swisher, Paul Hughes and guests, Judy Hildreth and Bobby Skinner.

This article comes from Roane County Historical Society, Inc.

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