16th Annual Genealogical Fair

Date 2009/9/27 23:00:00 | Topic: News

(Fair pictures are up - click here.) Roane County Historical Society is proud to announce the 16th Annual Roane County Genealogical Fair will be held on Saturday, September 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Heritage Park Community Building in Spencer. To reserve table space to sell books & other genealogy related materials you may contact Johanna Nutter, Fair Chairperson, at 304-927-0390 or e-mail her at [email]johanna@wvroane.org[/email]. Cost per table: $10. Those persons needing table space, but not selling anything, need to reserve table space as well. Mr. Joe Geiger, director of the West Virginia Division of Culture and History Archives, will be our 10 a.m. guest speaker for the fair.

This article comes from Roane County Historical Society, Inc.

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